"In art, theories are as useful as a doctor's prescription; one must be sick to believe them."
Maurice de Vlaminck
"We were always intoxicated with color, with words that speak of color, and with the sun that makes colors live."
André Derain
Gaia Repose, 2002
approx. 50"x24"x5" mixed media: acrylic over wire, papier mache'
Elemental, 2002
approx. 30"x24"x4" mixed media:
acrylic over wire, papier mache'
Ether and Light, 2002
approx. 24"x20"x4" mixed media:
acrylic over wire, papier mache'
Tree of Life wire, 2001. Acrylic on paper and wire over corrugated base. Aprrox. 42"x42"x10"
Contemporary Dance, 2001. Acrylic over paper and wire over corrugated base, Approximately 42"x42"x10"
Crop Circles, 2005
approx. 48"x24"x4" mixed media sculpture with acrylic over wire and papier mache'
All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved
Page last updated May 2013
for more information email or voicemail 513.549-4607
Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
As Above, So Below, 2002
approx. 24'x40"x4" mixed media:
acrylic over wire, papier mache'
Ship in the Harbor, 2001. Acrylic over paper and wire on corrugated and wood base. 2'x2'x96" SOLD
Gladys and M. Butterfly, wire and papier mache on wooden chairs,
2000 NFS
Mixed Media over Paper and Corrugated
Three Phases of Eve, 2002
approx. 48" Round x 4" deep
acrylic over papier mache'
P i c M i c h e l 

P a p e r w o r k s A R C H I V E