Various Last Millenium
Sample Paintings 1998-1999
Sample Paintings 1992-1993
Sample Paintings 1990-1992
Sample Paintings 1989-1990
Nagual's Dreaming, 2003
acrylic on canvas sold
Manifesting, 2002
acrylic on canvas
approx. 48x48
acrylic on canvas
Angels Together, 2005
acrylic on canvas
Becoming, 2005
acrylic on canvas
Look Within, 2005
acrylic on canvas sold
Nurture Your Dreams, 2005
acrylic on canvas
Illuminated Path, 2005
acrylic on canvas sold
All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved
Page last updated March, 2011
for more information email or phone 513-5494607
Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
ShapeShifter, 48x48
Aging Gracefully, 2010
acrylic on texture over canvas
Out of the Blue Child, 2011 24"x30" acrylic on texture over canvas
Double Dip 16"x20" 2010 Acrylic on canvas
P i c M i c h e l 

C a n v a s A r c h i v e s