All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved

Page last updated February 2016

Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
P i c    M i c h e l   A  R  T

N E W   W O R K S
I am pleased to bring the It's Still Life series to POP Revolution Gallery. December 15, 2016 thru January 14, 2017. 
Opening reception December 15, 5:30-8:30. 

It's Still Life contrasts the old and the new in my body of work, via changes in media, subject matter, and style set among select paperworks.

Over the course of the past year, fruits, waterfalls, and various animals along with other objects, became my language as I traced the story of life changes and a changing world exploring the objects that could fill a contemporary still life.

I'm happy about this show and hope to see you at the opening!

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