Enlightenmeant Cartoons are regularly featured in
The Whole Living Journal
Illustration and cartoons to suit your goals and dreams
P i c M i c h e l 
C a r t o o n s & I l l u s t r a t i o n
All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved
Page last updated May, 2013
for more information email or phone 513.549-4706
Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
Custom Cartoons for Publications, Presentations and Special Occassions
Contact Pic about getting a custom cartoon or illustration
for your presentation, publication or special occassion, 513.729-7026
Author Joe Taylor sent humorous lessons from his memoirs as gag-lines to which Pic cartooned illustrations for the book.
Click images to enlarge.
I really feel like your cartoons have added a wonderful element to our publication.
Oh my gosh, I love this so much! Thank you for sending, it is perfect!
It is amazing the emotion you can convey with just a few lines!
Custom illustrations can help package your book, business, or dream with a look that is consistently and uniquely your own. This kind of brain-storming and creative collaboration is one of my favorite challenges. Let me know if I can help.