Solo Exhibits:
Paperworks Galleria Evangelia, Columbus Ohio 2012
Mask to Abstract Retrospect, Morning Glory B&B, Covington, Kentucky 2007
Genesis, Paintings, New Civilitea, Salem, Massachusetts 2007
Insights - Into Consciousness Dicere Gallery, October 2006
Great Peace March, Spiral Peace Mandala MUSE Concert for Peace, 2006
Movements of Peace, Spiral Peace Mandala, Community Art Project 2006
Archetypes and Masks, Dicere Gallery, 2004
New Thought Unity Center, Cincinnati, Ohio 1991
Group Shows:
Golden Ticket, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 2012
Boleros Dance Club, Florence, Kentucky 2012
OOVAR Ohio Online Visual Artist Registry, Juried Show, Columbus Municipal Library 2012
Awakening the Divine Through Art, Exhibit and lecture, 2006 Cincinnati, Ohio
Select Paintings, Conversations with God Movie Preview, 2006
Figure Drawings, Dicere Gallery, November 2006
SOS Art Show, Spiral Peace Mandala , 2006, 2012
Dicere Gallery Group Art Show, Spring 2006
Sculpture Exhibit Cincinnati Flower Show, 2003
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1998 exhibitor in conjunction with Designed for Delight,

Alternative Aspects of Twentieth Century Decorative Arts
Juried Art Festivals 1992-1995

Cincinnati, Ohio 1992-1994 Summerfair 3x, Hyde Park, Montgomery

Chicago Art Tour, Downtown Chicago, Old Orchard 1993

Rochester, New York, Corn Hill, in1993

Various Florida: Key West. Key Largo, Marco Island, Orlando, 1993
LifeScape Creative Approach Program Development 1998-Present (select projects)
Lifescapes are projects that promote the practice of creative principles to link awareness to and provide opportunities for successful experiences in life skills development. The process is customized to meet the needs of the youth involved, and the agencies which serve them, Lifescapes brings challenged youth into learning relationships with professional artists to explore and demonstrate their creative skills in process-driven art projects. Programs lead to recognition and development of core life skills such as acceptance, willingness, responsibility, commitment, follow-through, resourcefulnes, and appreciation along with self-esteem inherent in the mastery of creative disciplines and practice of creative expression.
Clients Have included
Talbert House 2008-2012, Drawing, collage, painting and mural project in residential treatment program for adolescent boys. Currently teaching classes for the Bridge, Alternatives, and Passages programs as consultant for Cincinnati Public Schools.
Gabriel's Corner in Lower Price Hill 2008, 6-week Summertime Grant for Anti-Violence, Hand Casting and T-shirt Workshop ages 12-14, 2009, 6-week Summertime Grant for Shadow and Light Mask Workshop ages 12-18.
Older LifeScapes applications:
LifeScapes Programs for Beech Acres' Ujima Wraparound Program 1998 to 2004. Conduct ongoing art classes for youth with behavioral and emotional challenges. Design and inplement projects structured to support each youth practicing life skills through production of individual and group art projects.
2001, Cortez and the Cocoon a 30 minute live action and animated movie and illustrated book, produced in studio with a team of 4 teenage artists and voice-over assistance from 5 additional participants. The tale, developed among the team mates tells of a young lion cub who struggles with various issues of jealousy, anger, fear and the willingness to change in ordr to learn much needed lessons and work things out with his brother. All art built to produce project was also sold through silent auction 50% of sales benefitted the creating artist directly (a study in the art sales process)
2004, What I Show and What I Shield Mask and body workshop for teens in partial hospitalization program.
LifeScapes Programs for Youth Opportunities United 1999-2007. Conduct weekly art classes that help to develop life and pride skills in after school program for challeneged youth ages 5-12. Projects have included production of individual sculptures in papier mache', and 4 community canvases produced as group project in mixed media acrylics plus papier mache' culminating in art show and sale to benefit young artists and the Y.O.U. program. Designed "Phat Pig" for Cincinnati's Big Pig Gig; and paint it with young artists from Y.O.U. Commissioned by Rick and Cynthia Mulhauser. Also handle website design and management for the organization.
2005 project ACE & BUDDY teaching stories written by children (grades1-6) while coloring illustrated book designed on themes about friendship, bullying, responsibility, etc.
(select projects)
2003(apprentice)-2007-present, Lead visual artist in collaboration with theatre and literary artists to demonstrate and cultivate use of the arts in self discovery and transformation for adult male and female recoverying felony drug offenders in correctional facility. My work on this project has largely involved the introduction of five different mask projects as a way of taking a look at oneself. Mask have been created on pre-formed plastic and also using plaster which was an awesome experience in visual art, writing, and performance with the masks. Inside/Outside website
Artworks, Lead Artist in 1997 and 1998 for projects underwritten by the Contemporary Arts Center and Arts Consortium of Cincinnati. Taught my craft to 25 talented apprentices with the help of three to five assistant artists each summer. Developed and administered curriculum and budget. Projects: Painted furniture, custom designed birdhouses, mosaic stepping stones.
Adopt-A-School 1998, for Arts Consortium of Cincinnati, Douglass Elementary. Design a 5-panel quilt on the life of Fredrick Douglass and work with with 5th and 6th grade students to produce finished piece.
Pendleton Heritage Center
Designed mosaic mural measuring 48"x48" of 1890's train at station for entry of center and collaborated on completion with neighborhood children.
Cultural Series 2000 for Urban Appalachian Council in Cincinnati's East End. Conducted two visual story-telling workshops for children and adults.
Community Mural Project, Summer 2000, Designed a 4 panel time-line mural capturing life of building since late 1800's, for Urban Appalachian Council in Cincinnati's East End, Completed with children and families in the East End.
2001 RiverQuilt, a 25 foot long 2-8 foot tall mural comemorating the East End's connection to the River and the underground railroad through interwoven symbols of the Log Cabin quilt pattern and river waves.
2002 Pendleton Theatre Project, a 2-week summertime project with Theatre Artist Bet Stewart, making 2 short movies with children containing myths explaining phenomena of the East End including flood
Eastside Neighbor-to-Neighbor Coalition, Kid-to-Kid Program
Design and implement arts projects for Connecting While Creating an arts program that brings together children ages 7-12 from diverse community background of mariemont and Madisonville to learn and create art together:
2002 Community Mural derived from photos each child took within their own community, this mobile mural is on display at the Madisonville Recreation Center.
2003 The Great Kapok Tree is a lost and found story created and illustrated by the kids and mounted on story boards that were strategically positioned in 7 establishments to foster travel and sharing between the communities of Mariemont, madisonville, and Fairfax.
2004 The Heart of Art integrates visual, written, dramatic, and musical art forms to facilitate and record participants' regard for themselves, their communities and for their own creative process. This intercultural, intergenerational project culminated in a multi-media presentation in June 2004.
Kingdom of Peace 2005 Peaslee Center, Over-the-Rhine, illustrated book project with Women Writing for (a) Change, to create new heros for youth ages 8-12.
(select projects)
Arts and Humanities Center for Older Adults 2002 Living Quilts Video Project, 4 movie shorts on the lives and histories of participating senior citizens from 4 diverse communities
(select projects)
My Muse 2009 - Staff retreat for Procter & Gamble
Service Reflections, St. Ursula Academy 2009, 2010, indoor labyrinth project comprised of fabric roles lined with observations of service work.
Oracle Cards 2008 - Staff retreat for Children's Hospital Holistic Health Department
Getting to Know You, New Thought Unity Center 2005, Plaster Mask-making worksho
Art and Medicine 2005 University of Cincinnati Medical School one-day workshop creating reflections on how we touch the world
Medicine Bag, The Heart Studio, 2005, Exploration and creation of medicine bag for inner focusing implementing the Toltec traditions as well as other modalities.
Pyramid of Consciousness, The Heart Studio 2005, Workshop focused on reconciling polarities through use of introspective techniques and the creative application of collage to create personal pyramids and a group pyramid for the experience of past/future, self/other
HeartStudios 2002-present, Art instuction for adults who wish to explore art as a spiritual practice recognizing the links between life and art as a creative process
Regularly illustrates Enlightenmeant Cartoons published in the Whole Living Journal, author of two novels with threads in both metaphysical/spiritual and child welfare/foster care systems. Also author of one fun self-help book, Enlightenmeant Cartoons: Now What?, Video documentation and website development. Prior experience, 1981-1985 Director of Graphic Design and Media Services, Burke Marketing Research, Inc..
References available on request.