"Let go of the need to know and embrace art as a vehicle for personal and professional discovery and development! In group or individual sessions you'll find that art does not hang on the wall but in the moment."
- Adult sessions are an interesting mix of art, tea, and good conversation about myriad eclectic topics.
- Group workshops are specially designed and facilitated to meet your goals in as little as 1 hour.
- Cartooning for kids projects provide hours of developmental enjoyment in emotional literacy, and story-telling and creative/life skills including problem-solving, planning, project management, and refining.
Experience art as a way to enjoy being aware
and connected to life!

From Workshop Participants (teambuilding):
...everyone loved the experience, as did I.
...everyone was so comfortable and did his/her own thing...
A BIG Thanks from all of us ... for your work and inspiration
This was a unique and fun way to bring our team together for building collaboration and interdependence.
Client, P&G.
Student Feedback (studio sessions):
When I look at my painting I am just completely joyful and grateful.
Your gentle ways of teaching have helped me to relax and grow immensely.
I can't wait to come here! I really need this!
You are awesome. Thank you! I look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
P i c M i c h e l 

C r e a t i v e C o a c h i n g
All artwork shown used with permission of the originating artist, all rights reserved
Experience a new way of seeing!
Page last updated January, 2014
for more information email or phone 513.549-4706
Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
These paintings are student work based on the first still-life study in the abstract method class. Each artist makes the method his or her own.
From Digital Clients (books, websites etc):
Pic, thank you so much. I LOVE the cover. I am working through the galley print and will try to get it to you early next week. Thanks a million.
I just read your proposed changes pic - they are just terrific and I totally agree - excellent writing on your part.
- PG
It's real!!! I can't tell you how excited I got when I opened the file. A dream is coming true - thank you.