P i c M i c h e l 
N e w P a p e r w o r k s : TORN!
All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved
Page last updated May, 2015
for more information email or phone 513.549-4607
Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
voicemail: 513.549-4607 Email
Negative space and shadows play an important role in the sculptural presence of each TORN! Paperwork.
Despite their size, the 6 TORN! paperworks are amazingly lightweight, most under 5 pounds. The larger works are 43-48x8-10 deep", smaller works are 24"-36"x4 deep",
TORN! showcases the possibilities for the development of similar works specific to your environment and space.
To see the work in-person and discuss applications for your purposes, contact me.
Novenclo Tobefin, raw paper with slight staining.
Titles are acronyms developed from the working name.