Consciousness Series  2004-2008, Reaching through clouds of thought and emotion for the Ground
Hidden in the Drips  2006 - 2014, Drawing out figures deliberately and subconsciously embedded visceral application of paint
All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved

Page last updated fEBRUARY 2016

Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
P i c    M i c h e l   A  R  T

A B S T R A C T  ON  C A N V A S
Touched, 30x40", Acrylic on Canvas, $1680.00Heavenly BodiesStatic ExchangeFoldsPrismatic Perception
The visual language of paintings is always open to interpretation.  Whether my work is figurative, crawling through three dimensions, or reaching into the expansiveness of the human heart, I seek to honor and hope you enjoy too, the art of exploration and discovery.  
Observed ObservingElementalsSunsetDance Dripping WetFire and Ice
Aham PremaSatchidanandarupaHumResting CanopyWindow to the Soul
Layered Planes  2006-2014, Floating on layered glazes to to capture the etheric
These pallets of paintings illustrate four styles of abstract exploration each of which has combined with and led to the next while often happening simultaneously in the studio. To learn more about a particular work or style jUST aSK
Planes  2001-2004, Exploring interaction of color/light/energy over planes and depth inspired by clouds over land from 30,000 feet
Elephant WindStarry NightMotherTai Chi Egyptian Yin Yang