Cover design includes illustration of authors of Right Brain / Left Brain, Use Everything You've Gt to Create a Great Life!One of the custom illustrations for chapter headings for Right Brain / Left Brain, Use Everything You've Gt to Create a Great Life!One of many custom chapter enders for Right Brain / Left Brain, Use Everything You've Gt to Create a Great Life!Joe Taylor dreamed cartoon ideas based on his five careers and sent them to be illustrated.
Enlightenmeant Cartoons are regularly featured in
The Whole Living Journal
Joe Taylor's career as a cartoon collaborator was just one of five careers he enjoyed in his 90+ years.Click the Study Art link below to explore developing your creative senses!This painting was derived from a recurring dream and was used by the client to propose to his girlfriend.From pencil to pixels, drawings are made from pure imagination.One of many elephant illustrations painted in pixels, "Delicately" illustrates the way 2 vacations, one to Florida and the other to Vermont and Massachusettes can be combined with public domain images to create an otherworldly experience.
Illustration and cartoons to suit your goals and dreams
P i c    M i c h e l      C a r t o o n s   &    I l l u s t r a t i o n
All artwork shown copyright C. Pic Michel, all rights reserved

Page last updated May, 2013

for more information email or phone 513.549-4706

Maintained by The Heart Studio, LLC
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Custom Cartoons for Publications, Presentations and Special Occassions

Contact Pic about getting a custom cartoon or illustration
for your presentation, publication or special occassion, 513.729-7026
Author Joe Taylor sent humorous lessons from his memoirs as gag-lines to which Pic cartooned illustrations for the book. 

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Look in the Whole Living Journal for EnlightenMeant Cartoons

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I really feel like your cartoons have added a wonderful element to our publication.
Oh my gosh, I love this so much!  Thank you for sending, it is perfect!

It is amazing the emotion you can convey with just a few lines!
Custom illustrations can help package your book, business, or dream with a look that is consistently and uniquely your own.  This kind of brain-storming and creative collaboration is one of my favorite challenges. Let me know if I can help.